
Every day, you face thousands of decisions both major and minor. You decide if and when you want to get up. You decide what clothes you want to wear. You decide what you want to eat for breakfast. The combinations of possibilities are endless. You literally are faced with at least 20 decisions even before you get out of bed.

If you’re faced with that many decisions in one morning, imagine how many you have to make in a day!


Then, you decide if and what classes you want to go to that day, how you want to get there, if you want to pay attention in class or sleep or be on your phone. You’re faced with so many decisions how are you ever going to decide?

Yeah this may sound super terrifying. Like, WHOA I MAKE THAT MANY DECISIONS IN A DAY? Yeah. You do. Everyone’s lives are different. Everyone is faced with different choices and make different decisions. If there’s anything i’ve learned, it’s that it’s your life and your own path you carve for yourself. Others can make decisions for you but in the end, it’s up to you to decide if you want to make the decision someone else decided for you, or if you want to do something completely different.

What are YOUR dreams? What are YOUR goals? What do YOU want to do with YOUR life? Those are all things that only you can know and decide.

One of the many things i’ve learned is making choices for myself. Not for other people, for me. It sounds selfish doesn’t it? I’m choosing things for me. Well yeah its my life. Not someone else.


I make choices that can benefit me in life. I weigh out the pros and cons. How can it affect me? How can it affect those around me? (see not so selfish anymore) How does it benefit or take away from my personal well-being? How does eating that last pint of ice cream in the freezer affect me now? affect me in a couple of days? How will going to that party make me feel now? Tomorrow? Next week?

“In the end, we will only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

I’ve learned to live my life to the fullest, not taking certain chances for granted. Once something comes and goes, you may never see it again. Make good decisions. Don’t make decisions that you will someday regret. BUT don’t not make decisions and regret them later.


We are constantly faced with decisions. How do you intend to live your life?

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