You’re probably wondering, whats she talking about? Yeah, its been a little while since i’ve posted on here. I just haven’t had much to say lately, until now.

I applied for a student job on campus at the end of last year (like early May I think) and hadn’t heard a reply for a super long time so i figured eh probably aren’t looking for help right now.

Well, I got a call a couple weeks ago and they said they wanted to do a phone interview! So of course I said yes and the next day I had a phone interview and at the end of my interview, they said they would like to give me a job!

Henji Coffee Art 1Ya girls now a barista on campus!

Hit me up for all your caffeinated needs now

How are you guys? It’s been a while since i’ve talked to y’all

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Morning Habits for a Successful Day

Morning Habits for a Successful Day

Waking up early in the morning can be such a drag. Your bed is so warm and comfy and the world outside your blanket cocoon isn’t. Morning people are successful people. The earlier you wake up, the more time you have to seize the day, so create a morning routine and stick with it!

Studies have shown that willpower is the strongest in the morning before you start to get exhausted and other priorities getting your way. Create your perfect morning ritual and stick with it! You will begin to see amazing results. So stop hitting the snooze button and read some of my tips for a more productive day!

|| Start Your Day With a Positive, Uplifting Message

What do you do when you first wake up? I know after I turn off my alarm, I’ll usually roll over, groggy eyed, roll some more and reach out for my phone to check my messages and other notifications. Lets be real, I don’t think I’m the only one. If you’re already going to be checking your phone, why not try adding this?

Put a motivating quote as your phone lock screen wallpaper or set it as an alarm so you can see it and start your day in a positive way. Similarly, you can download an app that sends you daily quotes. Just set it to send you quotes in the morning when you’re waking up so you get a new quote every day to help jumpstart your day.

|| Get Moving

Once you’ve actually rolled out of bed, get up and stretch a bit, walk around and get the blood flowing throughout your body! It can help to reduce pain and aches during the day.

You can also go for a full 30-min workout which can really help release endorphins that aid in making your day a positive, happy one. It can help you to kickstart your day with an extra burst of energy.

|| Look Good, Feel good

I know when I look good, I’ll feel better about myself and about the day. Confidence does come from within but my appearance can affect that. I know that if I don’t look my best, I won’t feel my best, thus lack in confidence. I am always sure to carve out a 10 minute window in my morning “getting ready” schedule for putting on make up and brushing my hair. Even if that just means putting on some lip gloss, it can really change my mindset about myself and my day. A full face of make up isn’t always necessary on a day to day basis. Try using tinted moisturizers with SPF to protect, hydrate your skin while providing some coverage. A couple coats of mascara and a nice lipstick is an easy way to look polished. I always try to pick my clothes the night before to save some time in the morning.

|| EAT Breakfast

One of the best ways to jump start your day is by eating a healthy, satisfying breakfast. Supercharge your energy to get the mind juices flowing. No one like a hangry you. If you’re constantly in a rush in the morning, stock up on fresh fruits that are easy to carry (apples, pears, etc) and granola bars. Easy grab n goes.

If you have a few minutes, sit down with a hearty bowl of cereal or oatmeal. Or blend up a green or fruit smoothie of some sort and drink it on your way to work, or wherever you’re headed that day.

|| Shower in the Morning

Showering in the mornings have allowed me to wake up my muscles and make me feel great. I’ll play some music and shower and have a little dance party as I shampoo my hair and such. Plus, showering in the morning will allow you to smell fab all day from your body wash (no need for extra perfume or body spray).

If you’re more of a shower at night person, I would still recommend maybe not shampooing in the morning but stepping in the shower for a quick body rinse just to wake up your muscles and to wash off anything that might have stuck to your skin during the night. Just as you wash/rinse your face in the morning, you should do the same with your body.

Those are just some of my tips on how I get ready in the morning to jumpstart my day 🙂

What do you do to jumpstart your day?

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New Roommate?

Hello lovely readers!

So next year me and two of my friends are going to live in a 4 bedroom apartment next year (whoop whoop)! Thing is though, theres only 3 of us and 4 bedrooms… So the apartment leaser people have paired us with a fourth roommate to fill all the rooms.

Basically, we just got our roommate assignment and my friends and I are terrified because all three of us had bad experiences with our previous roommates back in the dorms.

Shal hated her roommate (and honestly our whole dorm was terrified of her roommate) and her roommate ended up leaving our dorm. Shal ended up having her own room (one person in a double, so jealous).

Ashley (my roommate spring term) and her roommate did not get along at all. They did not get a long at all. No one in my dorm really liked her roommate because she was kind of annoying and was a moocher when it came to school work.

I had a semi-okay relationship with my old roommate (i think). We worked okay as roommates but we weren’t friends. We were acquaintances at most. Eventually, I ended up moving out of my room and switched rooms with Ashley’s roommate. So, Ashley and I became roommates.

We all just have bad luck with roommates so we’re hoping this new roommate isn’t like our previous roommates.

Wish us luck!

Have you had a bad roommate experience?

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Why it Was Important to Live in the Dorms My First Year

happy holidays from DeCou to you (only a couple months late...or early depending on how you look at it) // dec 2014

Walton DeCou // dec 2014

Why hello lovely readers! It’s been forever since I’ve written a real blog post in a long time (heh sorry about that). I was just texting some friends from my dorm and now that i’m no longer living in the dorms, it’s made me realize how important it was for me to live in the dorms my freshman year.

Since my family isn’t from Oregon, living at home was not an option for me. I chose to live in the dorms and not off campus because living in the dorms would be fun, they said. Honestly, they were right (whoever they may be…)!

In general, when people think of going off to college, they think of living in dorms. Dorms are basically like giant hotels on campus where undergrad students live with other students Most dorms rooms are doubles, counting 2 beds, 2 desks and 2 dressers, My roommate was randomly assigned to me, though I know some people chose their roommates from various roommate matching websites or Facebook, or they knew the person previously, Some dorms have bathrooms in their rooms but most are communal and shared by floor. In my dorm, I had 2 bathroom stalls, 2 urinals (my bathroom was gender inclusive) and 2 showers. It sounded horrible at first but in the end, it all worked out for a floor full of girls.

In the dorms, I was on my own, taking care of myself, doing my own laundry, getting my own food, etc. but i wasn’t truly on my own at the same time. Without my parents constantly being around, I had to learn to grow and truly take care of myself. I have always been independent but it’s different calling yourself independent with your parents versus when you’re parents aren’t around. I finally gained the independence and freedom I had always heard about growing up.

Not everyone will live in the dorms at any point in their college careers. It’s everyones own personal decisions but I know personally, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I met some really great people and made some really good friends. I am living with 2 other girls from my dorm in an apartment next year. My dorm got along really well in the beginning of the school year (we sort of started to get tired of each other spring term but then again we were sick of school lol). We were one gigantic family. We ate meals together, went to class together (we were in a residential FIG), and hung out in our lounge more than we did in our rooms. I loved my dorm-mates and I would not trade that experience for anything else.

Living in the dorms was important for me freshman year because I made some really great friends and some awesome memories.I learned how to be independent while still having some rules and regulations of the dorm. The dorm was an awesome stepping stone to living in an apartment with my friends next year. The dorms have definitely prepared me for life beyond my parents’ house. It has taught me to be independent and allowed me to learn a lot more about myself.


making gingerbread houses! // dec ’14


halloweekend #2k14

I’ve bene on summer break for a while now but I already miss Oregon and all my friends. I can’t wait to go back and see all my friends again. Even though we text like all the time, it’s not the same as being able to talk to them in person. This time though, we’ll be living in our own apartments and will actually be able to cook our own meals (my dorm did not have a kitchen). OH you will soon learn that while dorm food may seem great at first, you will get tired of dorm food and fast. And yes, the freshman 15 is very real.

While everyone’s dorm experience may be different, I do believe that living in the dorms your freshman year is truly important. I learned so much about myself and made some amazing memories that I know I’ll remember for a while.

Did you live in the dorms while in college? Did you like it? Or, do you plan on living in a dorm?

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Taking On Too Much


You’ve got a lot on your plate. You try so hard everyday to make sure all of your work is beyond perfect, to make it look like you’ve got it all together. You want to accomplish everything and perfectly. You want to be it all.

But the truth is, you can’t and that’s perfectly okay.

I know the feeling of wanting to do everything and perfectly. I’m in the same boat. Upon starting college, I thought it would be fun to take 18 credits while being in the Marching Band and attend various club meetings and do community service. Within those 18 credits, I was taking Gen. Chemistry + Lab, Psychology, Calculus, etc. I thought “If i could handle 7 classes all four years of high school with Marching Band, Swim Team, and be active in clubs, I should be able to in college too.” I was wrong. By the end of my first term, I had already dropped one of my classes and was not active in many clubs I wanted to be in. I had put too much on my plate.

It’s hard to learn to balance everything and to please everyone. Everyone’s said that giving in is a sign of weakness, that you can’t handle life when things get complicated. And you want nothing to do with that. You want to challenges, to prove to people that you can handle challenges and do things well, not just half-ass it. It’s perfectly fine to dream big and to challenge yourself; how will you know your limits if you never test them? You want to be an overachiever and that’s perfectly okay. I know I am.

Also know that it’s perfectly okay to say no. It’s okay to take a step back and say, “I have too much going on and I can’t do everything at this moment”. Everyone has their limits eventually, if not your health will soon tell you when you’re about to hit your breaking point. Don’t start comparing yourself to others, just because others can take on a certain task while doing other work doesn’t always mean you can. You’re not them and that’s okay. Be inspired by them but don’t let them make you feel inferior to them just because you haven’t achieved their version of success.

Learn to let go. Take on new opportunities but also know your limits. Know when enough is enough. You’re only one person. One person who can achieve a lot but can’t do it all at once. Don’t loose sight of the end goal. Once you learn to let go and say no, you will soon begin achieving more.

But until that day comes,

don’t forget to live and to explore life.

What’s your “stress reliever”?

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Inside Out


*no spoilers this time 😉 

I watched Inside Out earlier today and it was such a cute movie! Everyone of all ages should watch it because it is super relatable to everyone.

It is the story of a girl’s emotions inside her head. She moves from a small town in Minnesota to San Francisco with her parents and her emotions are trying to help her make the most of it.

The movie was so cute and it definitely made me tear up a little at times (I never cry while watching a movie). All the emotions were adorable and definitely portrayed each emotion in a very interesting and fun way. I really liked sadness. I thought she was adorable and fear was also really funny.

Short post today I guess. Don’t want to say too much and spoil the movie. Go see it this weekend! 😀

What’s your favorite feeling/emotion?

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We tweet. We text. We lol. We omg. We blog. We write. We share. We communicate.

But do we really.

When was the last time you picked up your phone and actually called someone? Like used your phone for its original purpose. Remember, before phones had texting and internet and apps? Before smartphones? Before technology?

We share a lot about ourselves in various ways through social media. On Facebook, I share where I go to school and I share photos on online albums. On Instagram, I share photos, sharing little snippets of my life. On twitter, I write quick status update on whatever I’m doing in life. On WordPress, I write blog posts about things in my life or in the media. I text people, to make plans, to talk to people, to update people on my life.

Yes, technology has made my life easier. Sometimes, I feel like everyone is too addicted to technology and social media that they forget to talk to people.

Honestly, the last time I called someone was my parents, and part of the reason is because they don’t like to text.

People are loosing communication skills because they can just type it out and share it with a random crowd. No one really is talking face to face, or using their voices really. Everyone is a victim of hiding behind a screen and writing without showing their true emotion. I know I am. Typing out things allow me to hide my true feelings about things.

I vote that people should put down their phones, close their laptops, shut down their tablets and truly have a conversation with someone. Have coffee with someone and just talk. Like actually use your vocal chords that you were born with.

Do it.

Call someone.

Make plans.

See them in person.



Actually communicate.

When was the last time you called someone or actually had a meaningful conversation with someone not through social media/with technology?

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Jurassic World


*WARNING: may contain spoilers*

Yesterday, I went to the movies and watched Jurassic World in IMAX with my parents (my mom wanted to watch it) and I can kinda see why there were mixed reviews on the movie.

PLOT: “Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitors’ interest, which backfires horribly.” (IMBD)

I thought the movie was really good in terms of the way to movie was filmed (sorry I don’t know proper terminology). Like, the animation and camera work was spot on. Part of why I thought it was good because I saw it in IMAX so yeah but overall, I thought it was really good.

The story line was kind of all over the place. There was one basic overarching story line involving the newly created dinosaur and how it’s suppose to bring more revenue to Jurassic World, but there’s also little stories like how Zach and Grey’s parents are getting a divorce. That was never resolved in the story. Grey brings it up to Zach that their parents are getting a divorce because he found mail from two separate divorce lawyers and that was that. They didn’t mention it at all in the end.

Overall, I thought the movie wasn’t terrible, but it also wasn’t the best movie I’ve seen either. I don’t really know if I would recommend it as like “omg you have to see this movie” but more of if you want to watch a movie, definitely consider it. Again, it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t over the top amazing either.

Rating: 8/10

Jurassic World (wikipedia page)

Have you seen the previous Jurassic Park movies?

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So a couple of days ago my friend, Jane* and I decided to hang out with our friend Anna*. Background: Jane, Anna, and I used to be best friends in middle school. We were inseparable and we managed to keep in touch throughout high school even though all three of us went to different schools.

*names changed for privacy purposes

Well, as you know I just finished my first year of high school and so did Jane. Anna chose not to go directly to college right after high school. Instead, she decided to take a gap year and studied abroad. Since she’s gone abroad, both Jane and I have had a harder time keeping in touch with Anna. Anna went and studied abroad with her evil friend, Sally*. Sally is a bad influence on Anna (in my opinion). Though it’s her life, I don’t think she’s made the best decisions with her life since befriending her.


ANYWAYS, I’m getting side tracked.

So a couple of days ago, Jane texted me asking me if I wanted to hang out because we hadn’t seen each other since spring break. I decided we should hang out with Anna as well because we hadn’t seen her in a year (she got back from studying abroad while we were finishing spring term). Jane and I knew it was going to be awkward since it’s been forever since either one of us had talked to Anna. I made a group text with Anna and Jane and we decided to grab dinner and to catch up on life.

Well, Jane picked me up early from my house (I didn’t want to drive) and we decided we wanted to get in-n-out fries because we were hungry and Anna was still babysitting. While we were getting fries, we decided to call Anna and ask her if she wanted food.


After, we met up Anna at a milk tea cafe downtown and things got real awkward real fast. As per usual, we said hi and stuff. After ordering our drinks, we sat down and started digging into our fries (we got animal style fries).

Animal-style fries (left), Regular fries (right). In-n-out, CA

Animal-style fries (left), Regular fries (right). In-n-out, CA

Jane and I started asking Anna about her abroad adventures and how things were. Basically (and I kid you not), all she said was “it was fun”, “I don’t know where to begin”, and “it changed the way I view the world” and that was it. She didn’t tell us anything else. Not that I’m trying to pry into her life but it was more like I thought we were friends why are you talking to us like we’re like your aunts asking about life (you know, when you come back from college or someplace and people keep asking you the same questions over and over again).


It was really awkward. Like that was that. Anna didn’t really as us questions or anything either so we kinda sat in awkward silence at certain times. Jane and I would kinda make eye contact with each other because we were sitting across from each other and it was just weird I don’t even know how to explain it. giphy

Literally felt like ^ that Miley. I just didn’t know what to do. Eventually we started talking about childhood and how crazy it was that we’ve known each other for such a long time and stuff. Idk it was honestly more awkward than I was expecting. It almost felt like I was breaking up with someone but just didn’t know when or how to do it. After roughly 45 minutes of awkward chatting, Anna said she was very tired and had homework to do. (Anna is now enrolled at community college, still not sure of what she wants to do yet but just wants to get her gem-ed’s out of the way). So Jane, Anna, and I decided to part ways. Well Anna left and Jane and I stayed back and walked around downtown a bit to burn off some of the fries + milk tea we had consumed.

Overall, it was a super awkward night and I guess I won’t be hanging out with Anna much anymore (or at all really). It’s kinda sad to see a friendship go but I guess that’s kinda what happens over time. Friendship is a two way thing. I put in my effort in keeping the friendship alive, but if she doesn’t want to put in equal or any effort, then I guess that’s that. I don’t really want to try anymore if she doesn’t want to try and be friends anymore. Our interests have changed and I respect her choices. Jane and I are still friend and plan to continue to be close friends for a while, no matter the distance.

I’m just sad to see our friendship end. I’ve known both Anna and Jane since kindergarten. I guess I’ll see her around on Facebook and Instagram and other social media. Bye to ~13 years of friendship.


How did you meet your life long friends?

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